Good Reads

Saturday, January 27, 2007

How To Reach An Audience

To Reach an audience, you have to know how to choose the right target audience, the right medium, and the right message. You cant communicate with everyone in the world. Great communicators know how to direct their messages toward an audience they can realistically expect to reach, whether that audience is a roomful of people or a single employee.

Here are five questions that will help you find the right audience:

1. What do you want to do? Be specific about what you want to accomplish. If you have a fuzzy message or unclear goals, you wont have a logical audience to target.

2. Who can help you get it done? Communicate with the audience that can help you do what you want to do. If you need your television fixed, dont bother telling the entire neighborhood. The only audience you should be communicating with is the person who sold you the television.

3. Who would want to help you do it? People do things for their reasons, not yours. Look for an audience that has a strong reason to help you.

4. Why would an audience listen to you? The information age constantly bombards people with messages. Why should they listen to yours? Reasons include your position of authority, your knowledge of the topic, or your eloquence.

5. How accessible is this audience? If you run a convenience store, an ad in a large metropolitan daily newspaper is not going to do you much good: Most of the audience is out of your reach. However, if the paper has the regional edition for your area, an advertisement in that edition would reach an accessible audience.

After youve narrowed down your choice of audience through these five questions. Now you have to evaluate your choices to find the ideal audience. Your ideal audience should have the power or authority to do what you want it to do. For example, if you want a raise, you need to talk to the person who has the authority to give it to you.

You need to choose the right medium to convey your message. Each medium has its strengths and weaknesses. Use the medium whose strengths match the requirements of your message. For example, if your message relies on visual impact, dont try to convey it by radio. If your message is complex, dont try short audiovisual advertisement spots. It would be better to convey it through the print media.

Perhaps the best way to convey your particular message is through public speaking. For example, if youre a developer and you are looking for public support to build a shopping mall, a public presentation would be more effective than a newspaper advertisement with pretty pictures of the mall.

Whatever medium you decide to use, take your time in deciding how you will use it. Make your presentation attractive. For example, if youre speaking publicly, dont show up in old wrinkled clothes and uncombed hair. Dont send out a brochure with a hard-to-read type jammed tightly onto pages of cheap paper, or make a DVD with shaky images in a dull setting.

Timing and the length of your presentation are critical to your success. For example, if youre selling Christmas cards, dont send out your catalog on December 10th. If youre presentation is too long, youll lose your audience, whether your presentation is a three-hour speech or a twenty-five page brochure.

Once you have a target audience in mind and have selected the right medium, the next step is to present your message in the most appealing and effective way. The first thing you must do, is choose your subject carefully. The right subject will be one that addresses the needs and wants of the audience. If you can identify those needs and wants and convince the audience that what you propose will satisfy them, you will get the response you want.

For example, if you want to motivate your sales force, you might want to talk to them about making money and beating the competition, two very powerful motivating topics for salespeople.

The more you know about the subject, the better your presentation will be. Always stick to the subjects you know well and be prepared to back up your statements with carefully researched data.

The best way to do your research for a presentation is to cast a broad net, collecting all the statistics, examples, and other data you can get your hands on. Then narrow down the information and use the materials that will support your unique selling proposition or USP. This is the core proposal that convinces the audience to do what you want them to do.

Whether youre trying to make a sale, inspire greater productivity, or propose marriage always look for the unique selling proposition, and use the materials that back up your unique selling proposition the best.

You can have the right audience, the right medium, and compelling facts, but if your message is not organized correctly it will fall flat. Your message needs to have three main parts:

1. An introduction. An introduction is the main attention getter. You will never be able to communicate if you cannot grab your audiences attention. The introduction should lead into the main body of the talk.

2. The main body. The main body of communication presents the most compelling point. The most effective way to do this is to subcategorize the main body into three parts, one part presenting your compelling point, and the other two parts setting it up or explaining it.

3. The conclusion. A good conclusion reinforces what you have said. Summarize the main points briefly, distilling your message into three or four short, memorable sentences. Your conclusion should invite the audience the act. Your message isnt complete until youve told people precisely and persuasively what you want them to do.

Finally, a conclusion should inspire your audience. It is always effective to end with a challenging question, a glowing promise, or a strong statement of your most compelling point.

The purpose of communication is to make things happen. If nothing happens as a result of your speech, letter, or presentation, then you have failed. You should judge the success of your message by looking at both the short-term and long-term results.

In a short-term success, the audience enjoys the presentation and understands the point you are making. A long-term success moves the audience to take the action you want them to take.

Technology helps us communicate messages faster and to a larger audience than every before. But technology does not create the message. Communication is still a human activity, having to do with meanings, understandings, feelings, needs, and ideas.

Copyright2006 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Great Sandwich Recipes

A New World Record Bass

Many people go to Florida to fish for that trophy bass but did you know that 4 other states have a bigger state record than Florida? Not only that but one of the states is said to have produced a new world record. Florida's record bass is 17.27 pounds, but others often cite an uncertified fish of 20.125 pounds (a fisheries biologist did not physically see the fish to certify it). Leaha Trew supposely caught a new world record largemouth in California. It weighed 22 pounds, 8 ounces, beating George Perry's 1932 record catch by 4 ounces. The problem is there was only one picture taken of it and it wasn't certified by a biologist or a California state fish and game offical.

Where is the next world record coming from? Florida, Georgia, Mississippi or Texas? More than likely it will be from California. Gregg Silks has already caught 2 bass over twenty pounds and says he has lost a world record fish of 24 pounds. Who is to argue with him since he knows what 20 pound plus bass look like? 22 of 25 of the largest bass ever recorded has come from California. The next world record bass in my opinion, is going to be from the lakes of San Diego water system. Just look at the stats:

Dixon: 21 pounds 11 ounce bass

Jennings: 18 pounds plus

Murray: 18 pounds plus

Poway: 18 pound 2 ounce

These are just a few of the lakes, all the lakes holds monster bass. Not only that, there are big bass all over California, Leaha Trew caught her bass in Sonoma County. While I am not taking anything away from Florida, as I have lived there and seen many 10 pound plus bass taken from there, California is growing bigger bass and people are catching them. Just check with the water district before you plan a trip as some have restrictions and are closed at certain times.

Imprinted Basketballs

Imprinted basketballs are a great idea for promos, fund raising, and corporate events. They are popular as souvenirs and mementos, and even customized gifts.

Imprinted basketballs are retailed by many websites. Imprinted basketballs are almost always available in bulk, since corporate and promotional companies order them for distribution at various events., for example, retails imprinted synthetic leather and rubber basketballs, which can be purchased wholesale. In fact, purchasing wholesale custom imprinted basketballs is very cost effective. For example, at, you can purchase a single ball for $9, but on purchasing minimum 50 mini basketballs, the price for each ball comes down to $2 each. The imprinting charges are extra, and vary depending on the logo or design imprinted, and the number of colors used in imprinting. At ArmuProducts, imprinting costs $40 per color (for a set of balls). The colors are orange, red, blue, white, green and yellow. Of these, only two colors may be selected. Ink color matching costs more. Also, back and white, or color artwork imprinting service is available, and charges vary depending on the complexity of the design. is one of the best firms retailing imprinted basketballs, since it deals almost exclusively in imprinting and customizing sports goods. You can choose from materials like rubber and foam, which are inexpensive at $5 each for 100 balls, or leather basketballs at $15 each for 50 balls. Mini basketballs which glow in the dark are available for $8.50 each.

Another website retailing unconventional basketball souvenirs is At, a 14 inch inflatable basketball is imprinted at a cost of $3 each for 50 basketballs.

Imprinting basketballs adds a special touch to the ball, and they make great gifts for basketball fans. They are distributed to participants at events and gatherings as mementos, and they boost the sales of a product when handed out at promotional events. And the cost effectiveness of imprinting makes customized basketballs a very viable option for these purposes.


Funerals - Japanese Buddhist Customs - Part 1

In this first of a two part series we're going to discuss Japanese Buddhist funeral customs.

What most people don't realize, even those familiar with Buddhism, is that Japanese Buddhist funeral customs differ from region to region. There is no one custom that encompasses all of Buddhism. Therefore, a generic description will not be possible. The religion of the deceased also plays a role in the burial ceremony. Also the person's age and social status, as well as economic situation, affect how they are buried.

Even though the services themselves are different based on the above factors, there are some customs that are the same or similar throughout. What follows is a brief list of the common elements to a Buddhist funeral.

First there is the washing of the body. The body is washed at the hospital and then the body openings are stuffed with cotton. In ancient times the family washed the body but now that is done by the hospital. The body is then dressed in a suit or kimono and a cosmetic specialist will apply makeup. From there the body is taken to the place where the wake is to be held.

Then there is choosing the arrangements for the service. The day is chosen as well as the type of alter that is to be used. Food that will be fed to the guests is also decided on. Gifts are also chosen to give to those who come to the service. Of course a casket is also chosen for the deceased to be buried in.

The body is then prepared for the service. Just prior, it is put in dry ice at the mortuary, The next of kin then stay with the body until it is time for the service. People from the mortuary then come and place the body in the casket. One of the unusual items put in the casket with the deceased is money to pay for the toll across the River of the 3 Hells. This is of course symbolic. Also, any items that the deceased was fond of during life are put in the casket. The body is then placed in front of the main altar if the ceremony is to take place at the mortuary hall. If the wake is to take place at home then the body is placed in front of the family altar.

The next step is to set the home up so that friends of the family can pay their respects. A table is usually set up at the entrance of the home or hall. A few people are usually stationed to greet the people who come to pay their respects. Each person signs his or her name in the registry book. The guests then present their condolence money, called koden. This is placed in a special envelope that has a thin black and white ribbon wrapped around it. The amount depends on the relationship of the person to the deceased. The amount is written on the outside of the envelope. Meanwhile, at the altar, incense is burned and a cushion is placed so that guests can kneel in front of the alter and pay their respects. The visitor then pays their respects to the family and then goes into another room where food is served.

In our last part of this series we'll continue with the wake, the funeral and the cremation.


Old House? New House? Weighing Your Options

Maybe it has something to do with a childhood home we fondly remember. Many of us long for old homes built with solid construction, quality craftsmanship and beautiful details. We wax poetic and wistfully recall the hand carvings, plaster walls and eyebrow dormers of homes weve known. On the other hand, how do the old homes we admire compare with newly minted modelsand what should we consider before deciding which to buy?

Location. Typically, old homes sit on generous plots of land in or near town. The neighborhoods are established and usually more central to schools and shopping. Mature trees and plantings provide shade and beautify the property and neighborhood streets. New homes are generally found in new developments outside of town and homeowners who buy into an early can expect to contend with dust and construction sights and sounds as the remaining phases are being built. Landscaping may be skimpy or nonexistent, but a buyer has the opportunity to design the dcor from scratch.

Layout. New homes tend to have a more spacious functional layout with higher ceilings, bigger windows, family kitchens, walk-in closets, and family rooms. Some even have media rooms and come pre-wired for cable and computers. On the other hand, older homes were designed for a more formal lifestyle, which is reflected in the formal dining and living areas and many cozy rooms, including small bedrooms, closets and bathrooms.

Energy efficiency. Those eight-over-eight single pane wood windows add character to an old home, but even with storm windows, theyre not nearly as energy efficient as modern dual-glazed or thermal windows. While most old homes lacked insulation in outside walls and attics, homes built today insulate against high heating and cooling costs. Although the bigger windows, higher ceilings and larger rooms, common in new homes, can also cause high utility bills.

Maintenance. With older homes, upkeep could be more expensive because of older appliances, plumbing and electrical systemsnot to mention the roofmay need to be replaced. A turn of the century home may have outdated knob-and-tube wiring, and even a recently built home may have an inadequate fuse box-style panel that falls short of the energy demands of 21st century families. But new homes generally come with warranties that will cover the cost for most major problems.

Price. Older homes are usually less expensive per square foot. In addition the tax structure is more predictable because the neighborhood is already established with amenities that newer neighborhoods are still in the process of gaining, such as schools, police and fire services, and infrastructures (roads, sidewalks, etc.). However, with restoration costs a possibility for older homes, your dollars may very well be spent on the back-end rather than upfront.

If the charm and beauty of an old home wins your heart, hire an inspector to evaluate the home for lead paint, insect and water damage, lead and/or galvanized pipes, outdated wiring, foundation problems and energy efficiency, including windows as well as heating/cooling systems and insulation. After you get the all-clear, you have one last consideration: Does the home fit your lifestyle or would the conveniences of a newer model suit you better? Only you and your family have the answer.


Bodybuiding - Will You Train Beyond High School?

I see it every day. Young bucks come into gym in their high school years and train and make astounding gains and begin to think about bodybuilding. Testosterone is at its peak during these years and just seems they cant get enough of the gym or the results they are achieving. By the time the senior year rolls around, they are at their peak physically. It came so easily, it seems, that development will stay forever.

However life begins to change after high school. College starts in the fall or perhaps you start a full time job. Distractions are everywhere. Many football, baseball and wrestling jocks of high school no longer shine above their college competition and most do not continue disciplined organized sports that once brought you to the gym in the first place.

Besides not playing the sports, studies are now more time consuming. The food is all you can eat at the student cafeteria and, well, beer parties are everywhere. This is the most fun ever, you think. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around, no time was found for the gym and you are well on way to the freshman fifteen. That is the fifteen pounds of smoothing fat that you picked up during the first year on your own away from home. Bodybuilding was but a memory back home.

Spring rolls around and you are back home for the summer. But wow have you changed? Heavier, smoother and where did those muscles go? You return to the gym for the summer to get in shape. You find it is next to impossible to return the body to its former ripped state much less building up this summer.

My point here guys, bodybuilding is not for the weak willed. If you want to continue to be in shape you must plan the discipline of working out if you are going to have the better body. Bodybuilding is tough. Dont kid yourself. If it was easy everyone would be in shape.

So what should you do? Well if you are college bound do the following:

-During campus visit check out the gym facilities. Determine if the equipment is suitable to meet your bodybuilding needs.

-Do your campus visit during the normal school year to get a feel for the people that are going. Is the gym too crowded (undersized for the campus)? What is the attitude of those training, motivational or passively active.

-How close is the gym to the living quarters? Is it convenient?

-What are the food choices at the cafeteria? Can I get the high protein foods? Is food overly processed? What are the off campus choices?

Now I am not saying that you make your college selection based solely upon the gym facilities but it should be a factor if you are serious about your training.

-Finally once you arrive at college, review your class schedule. Then clearly plan a workout time along with your study and class time. If you have to put a routine in the morning, just do it.

-Settle into a routine and stick to it.

-Dont stay up so late. You need your rest to recover from workouts and besides late nights will cause you to want to sleep through that morning routine.

-Lay off alcohol. Its catabolic; meaning it works to strip your muscles off. It acts on the body the opposite of steroids. Its bad news. It will take you places you dont want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you can imagine.

-Eat right. Do I need to say more?

-Read a bodybuilding magazine periodically to keep your focus.

-Hang out with those that are in the gym. They are a better influence in keeping you disciplined.

Okay there you have it. Stay with your training and your freshman fifteen will be MUSCLE not flab!


How to Cure Asthma

What is the difference between God and a Doctor? God doesnt think that he is a doctor. How do you tell the difference between a Doctor and a banana? If the banana doesnt go rotten in 14 days then it isnt a doctor. According to your doctor asthma is incurable, or as your Doctor learned after 8 years in University envying the number of women chasing the quarterback, who your Doctor in a jealous and drunken rage referred to in his secret diary as a hairy Neanderthal, asthma is a chronic (permanent) inflammatory condition of the lungs. The medical schools and the big drug companies and the big corporate executives have pawned off this deadly myth for so long that now even they believe it.

20 million Americans suffer from asthma. Does this mean that we should lay the blame for asthma on our creator? Did God not know how to create a functioning lung? Are we just prototypes in Gods vast laboratory? Perhaps without inhalers all of the asthmatics would die off and then the human gene pool would be freed from this genetic defect and then future generations would evolve into a species with perfectly functioning bronchial tubes. In the interest of future generations perhaps you should throw out your puffer and just choke to death sacrificing your life for the common good. This may get you into heaven in case you forgot to put your $5 into the collection plate last Sunday. Did Jesus have asthma? Did Jesus ever cure an asthmatic? Did Jesus know that asthma was incurable? Did Jesus go to medical school? Did Jesus play football? Was Mary Magdalene a cheerleader for the Jerusalem University Keepahs?

The reasons that the environmental organizations are going nowhere are myriad. One of them is that the word environmental is a combination of the words enviro and mental. No one knows what the word enviro means which leaves us with the word mental. People just think that these people are mental. George Bushs father referred to them as the spotted owl crowd. His son George proclaimed that there is no evidence that global warming exists. Jesus referred to the leaders of his day as snakes, blind guides, leading us all into the fire. The United States which likes to think of itself as the role model for a world which thinks of the U.S. as the black sheep of the family is the highest per capita polluter in the world. The reason that pollution groups are going nowhere is because people dont understand the meaning of the word pollution. The world is like a giant Jonestown filled with people believing that poison cannot kill them because some Bible writers, scribes, and who Jesus referred to as snakes spewing their deadly poisonous lies into your Bibles (Matthew 23) wrote this baloney in your Bible 2,000 years ago beside The Earth does not move and it never will three times. If God wrote your Bible then not only can he not create a functioning lung but he is also very poor at astronomy. Your Bible has 2,000 pages of Gods Word and no cure for asthma? Perhaps if the George Bushes had paid a little less attention to their Holy Bibles and checked out the Greenpeace website a couple of times, Greenland, Antarctica and the Arctic would not now be melting into the worlds 1 ocean which will shortly cause the sea level to rise 50 feet leaving nothing left of the United States except the peaks of Vail, which will be prime beachfront property.

In the Holy Bible God commands the cutting away of the foreskin, not the foresight. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure especially when there is no cure for asthma. The pollution, the particles of poison in the air which we breathe into our lungs, like deadly airborne cyanide, hemlock and snake venom gets into your lungs when you breathe the air, it inflames your lungs and you have asthma. If you want to get away with poisoning childrens lungs with deadly poison chemicals so that they cannot breathe then give your poison a name that no one understands, like a carcinogen, a cancer causing chemical coming out of the exhaust pipe of your car like a bullet which hits its target and then explodes 10 years later in your own lungs and then slowly eats you alive in an excruciating prolonged death. It was announced yesterday that in Beijing, the site of the next Olympics, where the smog is so bad that more car accidents are caused by low visibility than msg, over 100,000 Chinese people died last year from the indoor air pollution in their skyscrapers from the chemicals gassing off from their carpets, furniture, and poor ventilation. Who would want to open a window in Beijing even if the office buildings did have windows? The air in Beijing is so filled with poison gas that the 100 yard dash at the 2008 Olympics has been shortened to 10 yards. What is the big deal searching for a cure for Aids in Africa? If everyone remained a virgin and then only had sex with their spouse there would be no sexually transmitted diseases. Is this a secret being deliberately held from the African people? You cannot break the laws of nature but if you do it will break your back.

Mold is a fungus, a tiny airborne animal that can only be seen when magnified through the lens of a microscope. Some molds exist in nature and we breathe it in all the time in small amounts and our bodies can handle it. However in larger amounts, or in people with immune systems weakened by all of the poison we breathe in every day, these molds which we breathe in, that multiply in our lungs and digestive tracts, these molds cause allergic reactions, aka tightening of the airways, aka chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic emphysema leading to death. The end of chapter 14 of the Book of Leviticus recommends that in some cases when these molds get into the wooden walls and stones of your house, you must tear down your house and rebuild it.

Doctors, i.e. allopathic doctors will treat the symptoms of your asthma and not the causes. Allergists will diagnose you with mold allergies and inject you with mold for 5 years of useless and painful treatment. Respiratory specialists will give you cortisone inhalers which cause thrush, candida, yeast, mold, fungus in your throat which your bloodstream then carries to every organ in your body including your lungs thereby aggravating the problem and making the doctors and the drug companies rich. Jesus commanded that everyone sell all of their possessions and then give all of their money to the poor. Are there any Christian doctors? Are there any Christians?

Here is the good news. Go to your naturopathic doctor, your doctor of naturopathy. Take the best from what both traditional and naturopathic doctors have to offer. Actually naturopathic doctors should be called traditional doctors since they are the doctors who are using herbal remedies which have been used and are tried and true since before biblical times, which are recommended in the Bible. In the numerous cases of asthma which are caused by breathing in airborne mold, there is a herbal remedy which can cure it. Oil of oregano has been clinically proven to kill bacterial infections which penicillin cannot kill, viruses which nothing can kill, molds, yeast and fungus. Many drugs are synthetic preparations of herbal remedies, plant medicine put on earth by God to save your life. Oil of oregano with sage and cumin taken in capsules will kill off the mold, and remove the root cause of the asthma, tiny animals eating their way through your lungs like they eat through wood and stone no matter how much you clean the surface. Your bloodstream will take the Oregacyn capsules (oil of oregano, sage and cumin search oregacyn) which you can buy over the internet or in your health food store to every part of your body including your lungs and kill the mold and cure the asthma. It is also good to take non dairy acidophilus, the healthy bacteria in our bodies which beats back the mold, and NutriBiotic grapefruit seed extract tablets which also kill the fungus. Years ago Doctors accused the naturopaths of practicing voodoo medicine and the Government threatened to ban herbal remedies as being unsafe. (Some are unsafe. Check with your naturopath and your doctor and your health food stores to see which ones.) Today many drug stores look more like health food stores than drugstores. In the fight for power, control and money in medicine and in religion, it is always the patient who ends up the big loser. If the 200 countries on Earth decided to make World Peace they could do it overnight at the United Nations. Unfortunately your Holy Bibles and your religious leaders forbid it. Also, the weapons manufacturers own and are pulling the strings of the politicians, and they will never allow World Peace, until nuclear world war III causes the extinction of all life on earth forever in the near future, which will also put an end to asthma once and for all. Think of it as radiology theology coming to your rescue.


Unique Mother's Day Gifts

If you are bored of the typical candy and flowers presents for Mothers Day, you can get your mother a unique present that will be a tribute to the special bond you share with her. There are several different possibilities for special and distinctive gifts.

Women and their love for jewelry is an old story. You can get your mother a special pendant to mark her special day, or you could splurge and get her a pair of diamond earrings. If you have the time (and the money), you can also craft your own design and have it made. Or, you can opt for a special vintage watch for your mothers watch collection.

You can buy her a framed painting or a replica of a famous work. Or better still, you could commission a portrait of your mom. If that is a bit too expensive for you, you can have an old photograph converted to a painting on canvas.

A day at the spa is every womans fantasy. You can buy her the gift of health and rejuvenation. Treat your mother to a days pampering at a spa a great relaxation technique and an effective stress buster.

You could write a poem for you mother, to commemorate the gift of life she gave you; if that is too much for you, you can give her the ultimate present by buying a star for her. This is a wonderful gesture that will really overwhelm your mother, and she will cherish it forever. Dedicating as star to your mom isnt as expensive as you think. You will be given a star certificate with or without a wooden plaque (depending on the package you choose), a map to help view the star, and a mythological explanation of your mothers star. This could be the most special present your mom receives, and you might find it difficult to top this present in the years to come!


Go Nuts

Back when we hunted and gathered for our food, nuts and seeds were part of our daily diet. They gave us energy, soft healthy skin, fertility, immunity, healthy joints, strong hearts, and sharp balanced minds. Many of us have avoided nuts and seeds to keep our diet low in fat, so its no coincidence that we may lack these qualities in our health.

Nuts and seeds are chock full of heart healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats. They contain little artery clogging saturated fat. They also contain essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs are easily destroyed by heat, light and oxygen. So to get their health benefits, nuts and seeds must be eaten raw. Beyond fat, nuts are a good source of all the nutrients we need: protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and certain vitamins and minerals. This is how they can do so much for us.

A serving size is the eaters handful. Those on weight loss diets may find that a handful of nuts give a feeling of fullness without weight gain.

Try a homemade trail mix made with raw nuts. Most commercial trail mixes use roasted nuts. Mix cup each of raw almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, or any of your favorite raw nuts or seeds, raisins, dried cherries or any of your favorite dried fruits and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a bag. Close the bag and shake to mix. Pour into plastic sandwich bags for easy snacks to-go.

Walnuts and flax seeds are special because they contain omega-3 fatty acids. Our diets tend to be low in them, yet they are essential for healthy brain and nervous system functioning. Its easy to toss a handful of raw walnuts or flax seeds on a salad or vegetables for added crunch and nutrition. Refrigerate walnuts and flax seeds to keep the omega-3 fatty acids fresh.

Peanuts and peanut butter should be a treat, not a regular part of our diets. They contain a protein known to cause hardening of the arteries. Most commercial peanut butters are full of sugar and disease causing trans-fat. Use raw almond butter instead.

Sesame seeds are particularly high in calcium and flavor. They are used by many cultures. Sesame paste, called tahini in Arabic countries, is the essential ingredient in hummus. In China, its used to make a sesame sauce served over noodles. This sesame sauce recipe is adapted from Annemarie Colbins cookbook The Natural Gourmet and is a staple in my home:

2 4 cloves garlic

1 tablespoon brown rice or apple cider vinegar

cup raw sesame tahini

cup green tea

2 teaspoons maple syrup

Pinch of cayenne pepper

3 tablespoons shoyu or tamari (natural soy sauce available at health food stores)

Place the tahini, shoyu, maple syrup, garlic and vinegar into a 2 quart mixing bowl. Blend carefully with a spoon. The mixture will thicken.

Add tea several spoonfuls at a time until you get a smooth consistency. Add cayenne to taste. Serve over vegetables, whole grain noodles or your favorite protein. Great hot or cold. Serves 6.


Join The Vespa Fishing Team

High fuel prices got you down?

Imagine how most of us feel in the recreational fishing world.

Let me explain.

Here we are rounding into September, the time of year that all true "sport fishermen" look forward to. The weather is changing, and most summer crowds have gone home, leaving the rivers and lakes uncrowded and filled with frisky hungry fish readying themselves for the fall spawn and feedfest that takes place in fall.

Most of us are not lucky enough to have a river or lake out our back door, so that means traveling to our favorite fishing spots is mandatory. Two hundred miles or better is nothing when it comes to our passion.

Most fishermen -and outdoor types in general--are usually heading for the great outdoors hauling their gear in SUVs , trucks or campers/trailers.

Not exactly what you would consider "economy" cars.

I can still remember the conversation I had with Ranger Kurt about three years ago, when I convinced him to purchase an old Ford Diesel f350 in place of his trusty Toyota fishing rig.

He would love the extra room, and heck- diesel was about a dime cheaper than regular to boot!!

He like I, always seemed to just fill the back of his pick-up with just about every piece of sporting good equipment that languished in his garage.On the off chance we might feel the urge to break into a spirited game of Badminton, shoot clay pigeons, ride mountain bikes, or take an impromptu twenty mile hike into the high desert, we were ready!!

So, as our state of readiness has increased with age, our truck beds have shrunk.

Much like our spines and uhhhh hummm... other things!!

But I digress...

Anyway, as I ran out of room and had to spend thirty minutes each time loading and unloading basketballs,hockey sticks and barbecues-- just to find my waders--I decided a bigger rig was in order.

Didn't seem like a big deal at the time, back when diesel fuel was at about $1.29.

....$3.19 this morning!!

Ranger Kurt is not talking to me anymore.

I have decided to make some drastic changes in my life--at least my fishing life-- and the next time you see me.... I will be driving a Vespa.

That's right, one of those tiny Italian jobs that sound like an underpowered weed wacker.

I realize this will make it impossible to carry all the "necessary" gear I need to be ready for "impulse recreation"-- but what's a guy to do?

From now on, I will only carry the essentials--fishing rod, fly box,perhaps a sleeping bag--and wear all my necessary clothing, including waders,vest,wading boots and possibly a change of underwear. Everything else stays home!

I know this sounds drastic, but if I am to continue my passion for fishing --this may be the only way to make it affordable to do so.

I also know that the visual image of a rugged outdoorsman on the back of a Mo-ped is not exactly the vision Madison Avenue would like to sell to Orvis or Jeep Cherokee and is more akin to the image of Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dumber"--but I don't care!!

Look out Deschutes River Steelhead... we're LEAN, MEAN, and riding WHINY MACHINES...

Whad'ya think?Kinda catchy, huh?

So, until the price of crude drops back down to a reasonable level, which may be never, you will recognize me as the guy out on Highway 97 wearing about fourteen layers of clothing and a pair of Hodgeman neoprene waders.

My poor Ford F250? Well, I suppose it will become an expensive dog house for my Yellow Lab-because unless I have AAA tow my vehicle around town--I can't afford to drive it anymore.

I sure hope they don't catch on to me!!

Oh-- and Ranger Kurt--give me a call, there's room on the back of the Vespa for you...


Fishing Fall Bass - Early Fall Fishing for Bass in the Northwest as the Seasons Change

You have just rolled out of bed, poured you coffee and there it is. You knew it was coming, but it is real, it is here. What am I talking about? It's not taxes, the Grim Reaper or even your in-laws coming for an extended stay. It is the first foggy Fall morning. If you have spent any time in the Northwest you know what that means. From here on out the weather will never get quite as hot as it did all summer, and the nights will be cooler. Sure, we may get an Indian Summer and some nice days, but the fact is, things are cooling off. Now it is time to start thinking about what that means for our Bass fishing.

With the falling temperatures, Bass will start to build up their Winter reserves. This can offer some fantastic fishing opportunities if you know what to look for. Big Bass that have been hiding deep all Summer are now moving up and looking for as much food as they can. Their feeding periods will also lengthen as the Sun drops to lower angles. All the better for us!

Most experts would agree that Fall Bass are suckers for the right crank bait. This means you probably will grab lures that are a little bigger than you have been using all Summer. The Bass that have made it to Fall are smart and will be looking for lures that closely match the size and color of the prey fish that spawned in the Spring. Check out what is in your lake and match up to that. Another good choice is to grab your top water lures. Again, the big Bass are looking to load up on food and will be watching for any easy meals above them.

Finding the Bass is of course key. But where are they? The simple answer is, where the bait fish are. These are most likely going to be found in closer to shore than they previously were, hanging out in the shallows and around the green plants. My favorite tactic to find bait fish is to bring along an extra pole rigged with a small jig and bobber and when I am exploring a lake, drop it out in front of me and let it sit on a hole before I start throwing my Bass hooks at it. I also toss it out when I am changing or re-tying lures. If there are bait fish there, then odds are, the Bass are lurking near by.

Important things to look for are areas where there is cover for the Bass to move between their deeper holding areas to the shallow feeding areas. Also remember on cloudy and windy days or in stained water, the Bass may not retreat at all to their holding areas, but may spend the day feeding in the shallows. Pay attention to water that is shallower than you would normally expect to find big fish. I have seen large Bass lurking in water as shallow as one foot.

On bright days or after a cold front has moved in, you will have to go back to their mid-day holding areas to find the Bass. Remember that a cold front will affect the shallow water first and the Bass will most likely hold to the deeper water and its more stable temperatures. In this case, it is time to finesse fish a little bit and work the deeper structure. Remember drop shotting?

Don't think that the falling temperatures means a let up in the Bass fishing. Lunker Bass are waiting for you. Grab yourself an extra pull over and get out there on the water, the fish are waiting!


Parenting - My Story

When I became pregnant with my daughter, Aubrey, I was 21 years old, freshly married and scared to death! I read all the books, including the "What to Expect" series (even the infant and toddler ones). All these books gave us "one size fits all" kind of parenting advice.

When Aubrey was born, we practiced the "one size fit's all"; parenting advocated by all the books I read. We encouraged her to fall asleep on her on, meaning we let her cry herself to sleep. I also encouraged Aubrey to feel comfortable playing alone, and not need me. I did however KNOW that breast milk was best, and since I did not know that the resources were out there to seek help to learn HOW to breastfeed, I pumped.

Fast-forward 5 years.

I unexpectedly got pregnant with my son. This time I found myself alone. So, instead of reading (yet again) all the more mainstream books, I instead turned to my heart. I searched my heart for the kind of parent I wanted to be. The kind of child I wanted my son or daughter to be. I was not going to have help this time, so it had to be something I would understand, stick with and love, unlike the parenting style I choose with my older daughter.

I had no idea about Attachment Parenting. I did not know there was a name for how I instinctively parented my son. I just followed heart. I was steadfast in my resolve to breastfeed my son. I sought so much help in this. I had issues, just like many other first time nursing mommas. From problems with to much milk, to problems with the pace that my milk did flow as well. We struggled, but it was a struggle that really made me feel good, like I was really doing the best thing possible for myself and my child. We eventually "got it" and it was/is the best thing in the world for both of us!

Then while at a LLL Meeting someone was wearing a ring sling. I thought it was amazing to be able to hold your baby AND get something done! So I bought one. This was my first and not my most comfortable, but I learned that I could have my newborn son with me, and still tend to my 5-year-old daughter and get work done around the house.

I searched, high and low, to find the perfect sling for me. I learned how many different types there were, and decided on how I liked mine best. When I did not find one on the market that catered to my needs and wants, I created my own.

It was not till then, that I accidentally bumped into the name "Attachment Parenting"; I started reading, and was amazed and shocked that there were other mommas just like me. Mommas who loved their children enough to listen to their hearts AND their children's cries! I also learned that my co-sleeping is actually a great way to "attachment" parent, and is especially good when you are breastfeeding.

I was introduced to cloth diapers, which at first I thought, "NO WAY; Are people NUTS?"; Well I know different now. I then began cloth diapering my then 8 month old little boy. The patterns are so fun, the work is minimal and I know that I am doing just a little part to save the earth. Not to mention save some money! Another added benefit to my choosing cloth, is my son has extremely sensitive skin, and with cloth diapers he has had not ONE break out -- not even a hint of any type of diaper rash.

To me Attachment Parenting is not at all about a set guidelines though this is the set provided by Attachment Parenting International:

1. Preparation for Childbirth

2. Emotional Responsiveness

3. Breastfeed your Baby

4. Baby Wearing

5. Shared sleep and Safe Sleeping Guidelines

6. Avoid frequent and prolonged separations from your baby

7. Positive Discipline

8. Maintain balance in your family life

We (as a family) practice several or most of these guidelines, now. Though like I said, my daughter as a baby was not parented this way, so I have a good sense of the exact diffrences in the two children.

Why these guidelines are nice to see, they are (to me) just that guidelines, to me Attachment parenting is more about Instinctive parenting listening to my heart and doing what comes naturally to me, not about some set of guidelines I "must" follow.

Now my son is 22 months old, still and still totally "Attachment Parented," which to me means he is continueing to co-sleep, nurse, is still being worn on a daily basis, and still has cute cloth on his little butt every day AND night.

He walks, has started talking, and is becoming a real "little man" (I am sometimes sad to say.) I am confident that he is so well adjusted because I was and am so steadfast in "my kind of parenting"; and my beliefs.


Why I Wear An Authentic Ravens Jersey On Monday Nights

Now I am going to tell you why I wear an authentic Ravens jersey when it's Monday Night Football.

More than ten years ago the Cleveland Browns moved from Cleveland to Baltimore and that was probably the best move the owners could possible have made.

Since the franchise became the Baltimore Ravens, they have won the trophy that all football players want to win - the SuperBowl. As a nice bonus they have also been able to sell more tickets than they ever did before, and the people in Baltimore love them.

Even me likes them and I am not even from Baltimore.

This usually doesnt happen to me, but I saw them on TV one night when they were down, but they fought back and turned the game around in a way that gave me the chills.

Since that day I have always cheered for the Baltimore Ravens and that's the reason why I'm wearing my authentic Ravens jersey when watching Monday Night Football.

Does it sound too childish?

When you put a Raven jersey on a fan, this is what happens though. You grow a foot and you feel that you are strong enough to make the Raven's starting lineup.

"If I only had got the chance, I would have showed them all..."

This is what makes football so beautiful. Men can feel like boys again and you forget about everything else until the game is over.

You are happy.


Chelsea Set to Dominate European Football

There is a new heavyweight force in European football, they are being bankrolled seemingly by the Russian economy, they mean business, and their name is Chelsea F.C. Chelsea Football Club have always been a decent club in the second strata of English clubs. In London alone Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur have invariably been ahead of the Chelsea Blues, even West Ham have often put Chelsea in the shade. But no longer, for in the season 2004-2005, Chelsea won the English Premier League title for the first time in fifty years, their only previous winning season.

But they havent stopped there, in the new season 2005-2006 they are already well clear in the title race leaving all their rivals gasping, and now they have set their sights on the pinnacle of all the club trophys, the European Champions League. Chelsea have never won the Champions League, indeed no London club ever has. And it is clear that their charismatic manager Jose Mourinho is intent on winning the Champions League again, he did so with his previous club Porto, of Portugal.

So what of the traditional English giants? Manchester United, often described as the worlds richest football club, have fallen into the hands of the Glazer family of Tampa Bay fame, but they reportedly needed to borrow half a billion pounds to buy United, a debt the club now shoulders. Spending on new players has so far been thin on the ground and Uniteds brusque Glaswegian manager, Sir Alex Ferguson, has admitted that United, for so long Englands most successful club, cannot compete with Chelsea when it comes to buying players. The hordes of United fans are not amused, the natives are growing restless.

Arsenal, Londons biggest and most successful club, lost their skipper and driving force Patrick Vieira last summer, he moved to Juventus in Italy for 12 million pounds and with their star striker Thierry Henry suffering fitness problems, they picked up some uncharacteristic defeats at unfashionable clubs like West Bromwich Albion and Middlesbrough. This is their last season at their famous old Highbury Stadium before they move to their new purpose built Emirates stadium almost next door. The increased capacity of 60,000 will undoubtedly give their French manager Arsene Wenger more money to spend next year, but of course they have to pay for that new ground too. Far from challenging Chelsea again, it would seem that Arsenal are more likely to fall further behind.

That leaves Liverpool and Newcastle. News comes through just today that the American Kraft Company and family are interested in investing in Liverpool F.C., perhaps even buying the club outright just like Manchester United fifty miles up the road, but that is some way down the line. And they too are seeking to build a brand new stadium on Stanley Park and of course that all costs big money. Despite last years freakish win in the Champions League, Liverpools league form this season has again been patchy, and that included a 4-1 walloping by Chelsea on their own Anfield pitch. The idea that Liverpool might challenge Chelsea for the title remains a far-fetched one. Newcastle, Englands second best supported club are gradually improving, and they have signed Englands centre forward Michael Owen, but they still remain unconvincing at the top level. They havent won the title since Noah was seen building his ark, or so it seems, and they arent going to do so this season either.

So though it is very popular for foreign investors to snap up the leading English (and Scottish) football clubs, it appears that only Roman Abramovich at Chelsea has the financial muscle to buy the best players around. He is the only one to put unlimited funds on the table. Top class players now command a transfer fee of 40 million each and whereas Manchester United might afford one of them a season, Chelseas purse seems bottomless. They have already spent 220+ million and are still in the market to buy again when the transfer window re-opens in January.

They have already achieved success by winning at home, now the European Champions League is the Holy Grail for them, a trophy they are now the outright favourites to win with the odds layers. And astonishingly they have achieved their success to date with an array of strikers who havent really cut the mustard. Mutu the Romanian, was promptly sacked for drug taking, Crespo the Argentinian, was sent out to Milan on loan last season, and though he is back now he is hardly setting the world afire,or even playing that often, Gudjohnson an Icelander, plays more often than not, the muscular Drogba from the Ivory Coast, seems to have finally claimed the number nine shirt as his own, yet many blues followers still remain unconvinced about him, so it would seem likely that Chelsea may yet be looking for another proven goal scorer come January, especially after a recent rare defeat at Manchester United.

It would take a brave man to back against Chelsea in any competition at the moment. But if youd like to, you can still have a free $30 dollar bet at by entering the code 6CHE3VPWJ when prompted. But one thing is for sure; no one would be surprised if this time next year the Premier League trophy AND the Champions League trophy were both on display in the Chelsea boardroom. It seems that only the Italian giants Milan and Juventus, and the Spanish top two, Real Madrid, and most especially Barcelona with their Brazilian superstar, surely soon to be the world player of the year, Ronaldinho, might stop the London blues. It really does seem as if we have entered a new era in European and world football, or if you prefer the ridiculous name that no one ever uses, Soccer. Chelsea fans have never had it so good while everyone else is left gasping in their wake, for it is a fact that Chelsea Football Club have raised the bar for everyone else to follow. Time will tell if anyone can.


5 Tips to Hook Your Readers with Long Copy (and keep 'em reading all the way to the end)

Like most solo professionals, you can't afford to sell yourself with hype. You want to create a friendly conversation with website visitors so you'll attract clients.

But a website that doesn't attract and hold attention tends to grow cobwebs. It looks sleepy!

And research shows, over and over, that long copy sells better than short copy.

So how you do create long messages that don't set your visitors to snoozing... or worse, clicking off to a more wide-awake website?

1. Write conversationally.

Lets face it: web surfers get bored like everybody else. Theyre sitting all alone with their computers and they want to feel somebody cares enough to talk to them. Reading pages and pages of copy should feel like getting a letter from a good friend.

Short copy (and short-short ezines) comes across more like a message left on an answering machine not a meaningful connection.

Ever had a phone conversation with a friend or even a business relationship when you just enjoyed talking?

You were in no hurry to hang up. You were entertained. You felt affirmed. When readers feel this way, theyll stay tuned all the way to the bottom of the page.

2. Maintain suspense.

Whether you're writing website copy or murder mysteries (my favorite leisure reading), maintain suspense. Each sentence should motivate the reader to move to the next sentence...and the next paragraph...and the next page, chapter and even book.

Im not sure who first applied the term bucket brigade to copy. But heres the idea.

Before fire departments got organized, volunteers would fight fires by lining up and passing buckets of water from the nearest well to whatever was burning. Another line would pass empty buckets back for refills. Buckets moved from hand to hand fast, no stops.

So think of each idea as a bucket you want to pass along, from one sentence to the next. Motivate the reader: Keep going! Urgent! You need to reach the end before anything else happens!

3. Ask, Whos reading? rather than How long?

Your target market really wants to learn what you have to say. They realize theyll learn from you, even if youre overtly making a sales pitch. So they keep reading....and reading.

Whats your favorite personal interest? Dogs? Cats? Hiking? Basketball? Soccer? Music? Art? Real estate?

When youre passionate, you cant learn enough. You hope the article, book or talk will go on forever. And if youve targeted right, your readers will feel the same way.

4. Encourage your readers to talk back to you.

Marketing researchers know: When we read any message, we tend to talk back! Sometimes we speak aloud (and even throw a magazine across a room doesnt work with a computer).

But most often we engage in what psychologists call counter-arguments. For example, you read, This technique will transform your cat into an obedient pet who comes when called.

You think, No way! or, You must be kidding.

We also affirm what we read.

Thats a great idea! I can save money in the long run!

And (especially if were contemplating a big-ticket item) were seeking more and more reasons to justify our buying decision.

So...youre probably ahead of me: Longer copy means more opportunities to say, Yes its for me!

5. Crawl out on the edge.

What television shows become mega-hits? I should know. Im somewhat anti-television. No cable in my home because, There are better ways to spend my time!

But what do I rent at the video store? You got it: the big HBO and Showtime series that go outside the networking programming box.

Theyre more like indie films than television and they attract audiences of millions. And just try to rent a DVD of past seasons: you get on a waiting list. (Desperate Housewives? A desperate imitation! Feel free to email if you disagree.)

Writing works the same way.

Whenever I take a risk with an edgy ezine article, a few readers unsubscribe and some even send a few grumpy emails. But I always get a few orders and queries about coaching, too.

When I write reviews for, I just say whats on my mind. And I get some of my best clients and subscribers.

One reader even said, Do they call you Cantankerous Cathy? You never say anything nice! But she signed up for my ezine and attended three teleclasses. At least half a dozen clients claim they hired me because, they said, You tell it like it is!

Edgy for me means strong opinions and ideas. Some famous copywriters use strong, colorful language. Adapt your edginess to your audience and your own style.

Bottom line: As long as you hook the reader, maintain suspense and tell a good story, your message can be as long as you want it to be.


What a Pineapple Under the Sea, Where's Spongebob!

Who lives in a pineapple, under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants! Spongebob is one of the hottest new characters out, and children and adults both love him and his show. A Spongebob Squarepants party would be a great theme for both kids and adults who love the yellow guy!

You can find Spongebob Squarepants party supplies in any party planning store. There are plates, napkins, cups, tablecloths and silverware that come in yellow with Spongebobs face. There are also themes which have him and the rest of the characters on his show, including, Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Crab and Plankton.

One of the best piatas around is Spongebob. He is large and square and easy to fill with all of your favorite candies. Other decorations include balloons, streamers, wall hangings and table pieces. They can be plain colors or bought to match your chosen motif.

Every party needs games! Pretend your guests are all crabby patty flippers. Use a spatula, cardboard or felt to resemble a crabby patty and an apron. Divide your group into teams. Each person at the front of the team wears the apron and carries the crabby patty on top of the spatula to a bun on the other side of the room. Who ever can race the most patties to the other side wins!

Prizes to give away can include any number of trinkets like bouncy balls, paddle balls or Spongebob stickers and tattoos. Candy can also be found to look like Spongebob or even a gummy crabby patty. Party stores have rows of prizes to include in treat bags to send home with kids (or kids at heart).

A craft to make with the kids would be a take home Spongebob. Buy yellow sponges and let the kids color his brown pants on. Glue big googly eyes on and they have a work of art!


Have a Splash at Your Summer Pool Party!

Its summertime and you want to have a party with your friends. Even better, you have a pool! Following are some great tips for organizing a pool party.

The first thing to do is invite all of your friends and relatives. Use postcards or invitations purchased from a party supply store. They will have pool party themed everything for you to choose from.

A party planner from the party supply store will also assist you if you have questions or need guidance. They offer every paper product necessary, such as plates, cups, napkins and silverware. Buying paper products makes for a quick and easy clean up so you can enjoy the party yourself!

The party supply store will also have decorations to add ambience to your pool themed party. They will carry personalized banners if your pool party is for a birthday, a retirement or summer holiday. Balloons and streamers of every color can be found to match your theme too. If the party will last into the night, add outdoor lights around a deck or fence. Make them twinkle and it will seem like a million stars are out.

Games to play at a pool party include Marco Polo and water volleyball. If the pool has a deck or diving board, have a cannonball contest with judges. Whoever can throw out the most water wins! Games to play outside of the water can be horseshoes, volleyball, bocce ball, lawn darts and croquet. Prizes can be awarded if wanted, but most people just enjoy doing it.

If your pool party is for a birthday, make it a square shape with blue frosting to look like a pool. Stick a diving board over it with a plastic person, or for laughs, add a shark. Make it a fun day!


Relationships: Five Little Things You Can Do to Cultivate a Peaceful and Happy Home Life

Today's typical couple is busier than ever. Whether you're working overtime, shlepping the kids around, traveling or fulfilling social obligations, life at home can be a chaotic scene. But is this any excuse to let good-old-fashioned manners and consideration go out the window? Of course not. A peaceful and loving home starts by showing respect and courtesy to your spouse and children. Here are five little reminders to keep you on good behavior!

1. Remember your manners.

Kindness and consideration go a long way. Don't interrupt when another family member is speaking. Make please, thank you, may I, and excuse me part of your daily repetoire. Apologize if you've accidentally hurt someone's feelings. Give others the benefit of the doubt.

2. Eat meals together.

Sure, life on the run has everyone grabbing a quick meal when they can, but quality time is the key ingredient to a happy family life. Even if it's just once a week, schedule a day when everyone can sit down together at the table and enjoy a home-cooked dinner and some good conversation.

3. Be a unified parental front.

If Mom and Dad can't agree on what the rules are, let alone enforce them, you can be sure that your kids will have the upper hand and the two of you will be left feeling ineffective and resentful of each other. Lay down the law and present yourselves as a Unified Parental Front!

4. Listen to each other.

Sure, Moms and Dads often know best, but that doesn't mean shutting your mind to what your children have to say. Listen to each other with open hearts and minds, and start your children on the path to positive communication and great relationships.

5. Never go to bed angry.

Sure, disagreements happen from time to time, but there is no better indicator of a secure and loving home than agreeing to put differences aside when the lights go out each night. Explain to your children that even though you and your spouse don't always see eye to eye, it doesn't mean you don't love each other. Same goes for the kids!

Now more than ever before, we must instill solid family values in our children. The best way to teach them to respect others is to show respect for each other in our own homes.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.


Video Slide Show Productions

Slide show companies are popping up all over the internet. People are taking their pictures and placing them on CDs, DVDs, or VHS for personal use and for gifts for all occasions. People everywhere are hiring companies to make wedding slide shows for receptions, graduation slide shows, anniversary slide shows, birthday slide shows, memorial service slide shows, vacation slide shows, holiday slide shows, and just about anything you can think of slide shows. But how do you know which slide show company to choose?

It use to be that when we took our photos of our special occasions: weddings, vacations, reunions, birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, family, friends, pets and so on, that wed get the photos developed and place them in a photo album or a shoe box. A couple of our very favorites would be placed in frames. But, the photo album or shoebox would then sit on a shelf or under a bed or in a closet or somewhere where theyd be neglected and hardly ever looked at. In the meantime the photos themselves are drying out, cracking, and turning yellow. When we do go to look at them theyre never as good as we remember because theyve aged.

Placing our photos on CD, DVD, or VHS preserves the photos forever. They will never crack, fade, yellow, or get damaged. Future generations can enjoy the same quality in a hundred years as we can today.

Turning your photos into slide shows, video albums, or photo montages makes the photos fun to watch and more people will enjoy viewing them with you. So how do you know if you've found a quality slideshow company? An important rule of thumb to remember is, "If the price seems too good to be true, then it probably is". Creating slide shows is a service related industry; no real slide show creating company can give you quality work without putting quality time into it. The less the price, the less the amount of time going into it. You might as well go buy yourself the cheapest slide show software you can find and do it yourself.

A quality slide show creating company has invested thousands of dollars to be able to produce the highest quality work for the consumer. In addition, they will spend the time needed to clean up your photos and create a quality CD, DVD or VHS that you can be proud of. Although, like in any industry, you'll need to beware of those who overcharge, the bottom line is; the more time a company puts into creating your slideshow, the higher the cost of that slide show.

When comparing prices, don't forget to compare the contents of the package. This will make a tremendous difference in the pricing and the quality of the slideshow you receive. But don't fall for bogus charges such as transition charges. What are slide shows without transitions? So shop around, compare prices, packages, and view some slide show samples.

Viewing slide show samples is very important to choosing your video slide show production company. If youre satisfied with just the simple fade-in, fade-out photo montage style slideshows, then you have a lot to choose from. If you want something fun, exciting, emotional, creative and unique, then theres very little to choose from. The slide show company you choose should value your precious memories so much that it reflects in the slide shows they create. To a true slide show creator, creating quality slide shows is comparative to an artist who is creating yet another masterpiece: each one is unique, creative, evokes emotion, no two are exactly alike, and all are worthy of displaying to everyone you know. At Sands of Time Multimedia Creations, slide shows are works of art. Visit us today and experience the difference!


The Lowdown on China Travel

The fragrance of fish, lobsters, the sturdy Great Wall, the broken hush of winds by the Martial Arts, the grand museums and unpretentious down to earth peoplewelcome you to the third largest country on the globe-China. China is universally known not just for any single reason. The country has earned remarkable name not just in electronics and technology but it also surpasses many countries in its receiving tourists attention. The charisma of China is such that people from all over the world endeavor to bask at least once in the Chinese glory.

China is the land of rich history and has contributed a lot in sphere of philosophy. However, demographically China is the most populous country that we have today followed by India. The commonplace life and activity of the place can be enjoyed by taking on to the streets of the Chinese cities.

A Brush with the Chinese Cities

Like nay other country, China too has its own network of cities. But unlike many other cities, the Chinese metropolises are swarming with people. This is because the place has an exclusive charm and unique assets that lure the people all over the world. The first city that hogs limelight besides Hong Kong is the capital city Beijing.

Beijing is one of the wonderful cities that can keep all its visitors glued to it. Once you decide to step in this city, scores of attractions await your encounter. The pleasant weather of Beijing is a good reason to go for a stroll and water and other games in the Beijing Amusement Park. As soon as you enter the place, get ready to discover the child in you for the rides like roller coaster, bumper cars, paddle boats etc. will not at any cost let you to ignore them. Beijing also hosts a recreation center popularly known as The Beijing Recreation Center. This center invites people of all age groups for there are multitude of games like poker, bowling, electronic golf, squash, tennis and billiards. The discotheque, fitness room, sauna and mah-iong room are added pulls. The Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) at Beijing with its archaic temples, pavilions, huge mansions, lakes etc. make a superb picnic spot. Your vacation can be an experience of fun with learning when you enter the eminent Beijing Museum of Natural History. Also to behold is the China Aviation Museum that lies nearly on the outskirts of Beijing. This museum has about 200 planes and the aircrafts etc. used during the World War II. Finally shopping in Beijing can be enjoyed once you take on to the Wangfujing Business Street of Beijing. From here you can take home books, amazing handicraft items, medicines, electronic gadgets and almost everything you require in your routine life.

Are you trying to make your way through the bustling population? Walking down the street have you encountered the worlds third tallest TV tower i.e. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower? And do you think there is no end to the place you are in...You have entered the by far the largest metropolis of the world-Shanghai. Along with these magnets, The Tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang-Xian where this foremost emperor of China is believed to be yet lying in a single piece is a site that summons many visitors. The Shanghai Museum is worth visiting to view some distinctive relics of China. The place can be a center for a thrilling nightlife. There are beautiful night clubs and bars, Caribe Bar being a frequently budding one. Some vibrant streets of Shanghai are a perfect place to shop. From sparkling glass items to exclusive china-ware, everything is at hand.

The glorious city oh Hong Kong needs no introduction. It has already established itself as the Asias world city. Many attractions of the place also include the Hong Kong Space Museum that is one amongst the largest planetariums in the world. It is an educational site for kids as well as adults that reveal some of the baffling facts of the universe. When it comes to food, generally eight cuisines are found in China- Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan and Anhui. Few restaurants in Hong Kong serve vegetarian pork and vegetarian chicken. The dishes made of Soyabean are difficult to be distinguished from the real ones. Hong Kong is an ideal place to shop. The Times Square is a recommendable venue that welcomes you with numerous shops. There is anything and everything from dazzling jewelry, garments and antiques to sports goods and toys.

The Sites Globally Known

The Great Wall of China speaks through itself. Besides the historical significance the site that makes through the wonders of the world, exerts a pull on each and every person that comes to China. The Grand Canal of China that has 60 bridges and 24 locks has always been a center of worldwide attention. Not to be forgotten is the Mt. Huangshan that is known for its deformed pine trees and springs. You can trek up the Mt. Huangshan or take a tram to have an exotic and breathtaking view of the mountain as well as the entire China.

The Thrill of the Catch

If you want to learn to fish, here are 5 easy ways:

* Ask a family member or friend who is an experienced angler to take you along the next time they go fishing -- they will be thrilled to have a new fishing buddy. At the Fish Creek House, you can fish right here in Fish Creek

* Research online -- there are hundreds of websites with instructions on fishing gear, bait, and fishing tips

* Go to your local library and check out how-to fishing books and magazines

* Any time of year... foul weather gear is essential.. Weather systems move through the front range of the Rockies in a hurry. It can snow in June and I have seen it snow in early September. Generally, shorts and wading sandals are the norm in late June, July and August - but remember there are no guarantees in life. This definitely applies with Montana's weather. A good system of layers is recommended, a lightweight fleece/windstopper is priceless, and a raincoat of some sort should be mandatory.

* If you go on vacation in fishing country (which is darn near anywhere), check with local fishing stores -- they often know local professionals who will teach you how to fish. We work with local guides and outfitters and can arrange a day on the water

When To Go Fishing

Anytime is a good time to fish; you never know what you might catch.

Some species are more active near dawn and dusk when they are feeding, while others will bite any time of the day.

Certain times of the year are best for certain species. Fishing is a pastime you can enjoy all year round.

Getting Your License

Fishing licenses are required in most places, which you can buy at fishing tackle stores or Conservation and Wildlife Centers. Check out the Montana Dept of Fish, Wildlife and Game for licensing requirements The cost varies by location. Licenses for children are usually not required.

If you want to fish on private property, be sure to get permission from the owner. Otherwise it is trespassing.

Pack Up And Head Out

If you've read this far, it may be a sign you're getting interested in fishing. Just follow the above instructions and soon you will be enjoying your favorite new hobby. Let us get you into the fish of a lifetime to make a Montana memory...